Get Answers For Your Health Issues...

Not Just a Band-Aid

Cellular Health & Wellness is dedicated to helping you get to the root cause of your health issues and provide you with customized solutions based on your labs through nutrition, cellular detoxing, and wellness coaching.

Customized Health Plans Based On YOUR Bloodwork

Have you been told your bloodwork looks normal and yet you still don't feel well?

Maybe you have been asking your doctor to run labs and they give you a song and dance and won't run the labs you ask for?

It's so frustrating and we understand.

We understand that your health is a personal thing which is why we will never take a

"cookie cutter" approach while working with you!

We also listen when you tell us your just aren't feeling well!

We know that getting to the root cause of why you don't feel well is the most important thing for your health and wellbeing.

As a functional bloodwork specialists we review the labs you already have or if needed we can order new labs so you can have the answers to those unanswered questions you have been searching for.

Because we look at bloodwork at a functional level it allows us to customize a wellness and nutrition plan best suited for what's actually going on inside your body.

No more guessing games!

No more feeling shut out by your doctors.

No more frustration!

If you are struggling with any of the following issues, we would love to get you back on the path of living a healthy life!

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Leaky Gut

  • Long Covid

  • Chronic Pain / Arthritis

  • Food Sensitivities

  • Bloating

  • Unsolvable Health Challenges

  • ...and so much more!

About the Owner:

Nicole Lanni is the founder of Cellular Health & Wellness and leading by example.

Nicole suffered with health challenges over the course of 20 years.

Initially, she went through chemotherapy.

After that, she struggled with mold in her lungs, she had a heart attack because she had water around her heart, severe inflammation, fibromyalgia, weight gain (she even gained 20 pounds on keto), had weight resistance, struggled to sleep at night, suffered from severe IBS, anxiety, depression and so much more.

After going through her own methods; she was able to lose 43 pounds, the IBS went away, no more anxiety or depression, she sleeps for 7-9 hours per night, the inflammation disappeared, and she has more energy than she has had over the last 20 years.

Now she's created a method that'll help people with autoimmune symptoms correct their health issues.


April Vollan

2 months into the detox program. Bonus I'm down 19 pounds! Less bloating, more energy, going to the bathroom every day! Not vomiting everyday. A big win is that my heart rate had been in the 80s to over 100s for years and now it's in the 60s and 70s. My hormones are also balancing and cravings have disappeared.

Tammy Cloud

First month wins! I have more energy! My inflammation has reduced, I can now see my waistline. I have lost 12 pounds. My skin is glowing, dark circles have disappeared, depression is lessening. My hair is growing back and with less gray hairs. I am sleeping better. Having fuller bowel movements. Learning to shop and eat better. Drinking more water. Loving the real salt & the right oils. Starting to feel joy again.

Alicia Gonzalez

Within the first month of the program, my A1C went from 13.9 to 8.1 and my doctor was shocked! After working with my doctor for over 20 years to lower my A1C without any success... this program also helped me drop my blood sugar from 230 to 157.

Ready to Take Your Health Back In Your Own Hands?

Send us a message below!

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