Live with Nicole Lanni

"...Brand New How to Read Your OWN Blood Work Workshop Reveals Why Your Labs Look "Normal"

But You Still Don't Feel Well"

Learn the things your doctor just isn't telling you!

You'll Learn:

HOW to READ you own labs!

Why your doctor says your labs are "normal" but you still don't feel well.

Learn the hidden secrets about your "normal" bloodwork that will help you start healing!

...and so much more!


Nicole Lanni

Nutritionist, Certified Health Coach +

Functional Blood Work Specialist

I'm on a mission to teach how to read your own labs so you can START HEALING and GET HEALTHY by addressing the real reasons you just don't feel well.

FREE How to read your OWN Bloodwork WORKSHOP

When: December 5, 2023 @ 4:00pm PST

Where: Virtual (From the comfort of your own home)

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*Only 25 seats available*

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**Only 25 seats available**

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